Release info


New version Performance Monitor (release 2020.2)

On July 9, 2020, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (release 2020.1)

On March 31, 2020 we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


dbi services and DBPLUS enter into a partnership

Delémont, March 31, 2020 – dbi services has secured a partnership with DBPLUS, a software development company which specializes in…


dbi services with real-time replication using the DBPLUS Data Replicator

dbi services described our solution for real-time data replication on their blog. dbi services was founded in 2010 and is…

Performance Monitor (release 2019.4)

On December 31, 2019, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server databases. The…


DBPLUS solutions at the DOAG 2018 conference

From 19 to 23 November 2018, this year’s edition of the DOAG German Oracle User Group  conference will be held…


DBPLUS partner webtelligence on SQLSaturday in Paris

On July 7, 2018, the sixth Microsoft Data User Community meeting in France will take place. Participants will meet in…


webtelligence at SOUG Day in Baden, Switzerland

The meeting of the Swiss community of Oracle users will take place on June 14, 2018. Our partner webtelligence will…


DBPLUS at the DOAG 2018 Database Conference, Germany

On May 15, 2018, during the #DOAGDB18 organized by the German Oracle User Group, we will talk about DBPLUS tools….


DBPLUS at the DOAG/Oracle Data Analytics Conference 2018 in Brühl, Germany

Data Analytics 2018, which was previously known as the “Oracle Data Warehouse Conference,” took place this year on March 19…


Performance Monitor (release 2018.4)

December 21, 2018 we have released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. The most…


IT Tage 2018 in Frankfurt

We spoke during the Frankfurt IT Tage 2018 about SQL Query Performance Monitoring and Analysis under Oracle and Microsoft SQL…


webtelligence will present an Showcase Webcast: the DBPLUS Performance Monitor

On Monday, December 10, is holding an international Solution Showcase webcast. There we will be demonstrating new options for…


DBPLUS solutions at the DOAG 2018 conference

From 19 to 23 November 2018, this year’s edition of the DOAG German Oracle User Group  conference will be held…


Performance Monitor (release 2018.3)

October 8, 2018, we have released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server. The most…


Actinium Consulting GmbH and DBPLUS enter into partnership

Actinium Consulting GmbH specializes in business intelligence and ERP. The software developments by DBPLUS for database optimization and real-time data…


dbi services and DBPLUS enter into a partnership

Delémont, March 31, 2020 – dbi services has secured a partnership with DBPLUS, a software development company which specializes in…


Partner for Performance representing DBPLUS at the DOAG Conference and Exhibition 2019 in Nuremberg

Partner for Performance representing DBPLUS at the DOAG Conference and Exhibition 2019 in Nuremberg You wish to become more familiar…


DBPLUS on “IT Tage” in Frankfurt

“Everything under one roof!” is the motto of the IT-Days 2019 from December 9th to 12th in the Cape Europa,…


DBPLUS expands partner network

Another companies from the CEE region joined the group of DBPLUS partners. As a result, DBPLUS Clients gain access to…

Performance Monitor Changes in Version 2024.2—Part I: Online Monitor


Performance Monitor Changes in Version 2024.2—Part I: Online Monitor

Statistics can lie—” The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself” This old adage attributed to Sir Winston Churchill rings especially true if you’re dealing with daily database monitoring. When data is only captured in 15-minute intervals, transient issues that can severely impact performance might slip through the cracks, unnoticed and unaddressed until they’ve already caused significant problems.

In the newest release of the DBPLUS PERFORMANCE MONITOR, we’re extremely excited to show you the solution that the new functionality brings to the table.


Performance Monitor (Release 2024.1)

In April 2024, we published another version of the Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SAP Hana…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2023.4)

In December 2023, we released the next version of Performance Monitor application for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2023.2)

On July 5, 2023, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2023.1)

On April 7, 2023, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…