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Discover the intricacies of the 'IS NULL Condition' in SQL queries and learn effective optimization techniques to boost your database performance. This guide offers insights into overcoming common pitfalls associated with 'IS NULL' and enhancing query efficiency.


‘OR’ and ‘IS NULL’ Might Be Holding You Back

Where “OR” and “IS NULL” condition frolic unchecked, queries often find themselves stumbling down the performance rabbit hole—a place where CPU cycles burn faster than a comet tail and I/O operations multiply with the fervor of rabbits in spring.


The Nightmare of Database Deadlocks

A database deadlock occurs when two or more transactions in a database system hold locks on resources the others need. Each transaction waits for the others to release their locks, and just like two drivers who are not sure who has the right of way, none can proceed.

It would be lovely to be able to enumerate the causes of a database deadlock and address all of them. Sadly, it’s way too complex. It can be said, though, that a database deadlock is most likely to stem from poor application design, lack of proper transaction management, or the inevitable complexity of highly concurrent systems.

Change management czyli zarządzanie zmianą


Adapt or Perish: Change Management

Business is the track we’re all riding on. It zigs, it zags, and just when you think you’ve got a straight shot, it throws you for a loop. From the ups brought by technological innovation to the subtle tremors of consumer preference, change keeps the wagon moving. Without it, our tale of commerce and industry would be as dull as a car ride to the nearest shop.

Businesses that treat change like an unwelcome guest at the party are the ones that end up sitting alone in the corner. The real movers and shakers are the ones who invite change to dance, anticipating its moves and stepping in time.

Wichtige Faktoren in DevOps-Operationen


Shifting Gears to Real-Time: How One Company Overcame Its Data Dilemma

Today’s story is about a leader in the automotive spare parts market, spanning 17 European countries, grappling with a significant challenge. They faced the daunting task of managing delayed reporting, ensuring consistency across diverse markets, and customizing reports with limited flexibility. This scenario led to delayed data updates. This, in turn, caused frustration and inefficiency.


Beyond Code: Role and Limits of AI in DevOps

AI’s impact is undeniable, from revolutionizing self-driving cars to enhancing developer productivity through tools like GitHub Copilot, its integration into DevOps presents a nuanced narrative. With AI’s significant contributions to improving efficiency and economic outcomes, the article does not shy away from addressing its limitations—be it the risk of ‘hallucinations’, ethical dilemmas, or the ever-present need for human oversight.


DBPLUS is the Silver Sponsor of SQLBits

SQLBits is the largest SQL Server conference in Europe for data professionals. It provides the education, skills, and solutions from…


DBPLUS at SQLSaturday #679 in Vienna

SQLSaturday is an all-day conference and training event which is taking place in 2018 for the fifth time in Austria….


webtelligence to show DBPLUS portfolio at SQLdays conference October 10-11, 2017

ppedv AG invites to SQLdays 2017 in Erding, just to the east of Munich Airport. Numerous experienced speakers will present…


DBPLUS partner – webtelligence IT consulting GmbH as a speaker and exhibitor at the mbuf

It is one of the highlights within the German IT industry: the regularly held mbuf annual conference . Both members,…


DBPLUS CeBIT 2017 in Hanover

We maintained a presence during the entire trade fair, as well as at the stand operated by the Polish Agency…

The Domino Effect in the T10 Database on g1rush Server


The Domino Effect in the T10 Database on g1rush Server

Performance issues rarely occur in isolation. Often, a single problem can trigger a cascade of related issues, each compounding the overall impact on the system. This case study explores such a scenario in the T10 database on the g1rush server. 

Overcoming Execution Plan Changes


From Analysis to Action: Overcoming Execution Plan Changes

Execution plans choose the way in which SQL queries are executed by the database engine. As such, they are a difference between a smoothly running database and one that stumbles under load. Sometimes, an execution plan changes, for various reasons—often silently and without warning—and the far-reaching fallout can be huge.

The most immediate impact seen as the execution plan changes is a decline in query performance. A query that once ran smoothly in milliseconds might, due to an altered plan, start consuming seconds. This increase in query time can cascade into longer load times for applications, frustrated end-users, and severe financial repercussions in high-stakes environments such as financial trading platforms or real-time data services.

The Most Important Database Performance Metrics


The Most Important Database Performance Metrics

If no one sees the database issues, do they really happen?  – Contrary to the popular philosophical dilemma, this question can be answered quite easily – Absolutely yes. Unseen or unmonitored problems in database systems do occur and can indeed cause significant disruptions. It doesn’t matter if they’re not immediately apparent. Without monitoring of the database performance metrics and proactive management, these underlying issues can compound, leading to decreased performance, potential data loss, and even system failures that by their nature demand urgent and often extensive interventions to rectify.

The cost of ignoring database performance metrics is just too great.

Locks by Application Issues


The Story of Locks by Application Issues

On the 20th of April, query load times usually ranged from 12 to 15 seconds per snapshot, but there was a notable spike exceeding 2,000 seconds during certain periods. This anomaly suggested a deeper issue, prompting a detailed investigation. By examining the correlation between locks and application issues, executions, disk reads, and buffer writes, a significant overlap was found between increased query durations and intensified locking issues. Accessing the lock history tab provided detailed data on each lock event, including the time, duration, and specific database elements affected.

speed up a database read query


How can you speed up database read queries

Before getting into the technicalities of speeding up your database read queries, the first step is always to have a clear understanding of what exactly you need. This might sound straightforward, but inefficient queries often begin with uncertainty about the data requirements. Knowing exactly what information is necessary for your application or analysis not only helps in crafting precise queries but also prevents the database from retrieving extraneous information, which can significantly slow down performance.


DBPLUS partner webtelligence on SQLSaturday in Paris

On July 7, 2018, the sixth Microsoft Data User Community meeting in France will take place. Participants will meet in…


webtelligence at SOUG Day in Baden, Switzerland

The meeting of the Swiss community of Oracle users will take place on June 14, 2018. Our partner webtelligence will…


A new DBPLUS Client in Austria

In May 2018, webtelligence, a German business partner of DBPLUS, began implementing the DBPLUS Performance Monitor solution for MS SQL…


Another success for DBPLUS in the German market

On April 12, 2018, we began implementing the DBPLUS Data Replicator solution for the customer in the financial sector in…


DBPLUS at SQLSaturday #679 in Vienna

SQLSaturday is an all-day conference and training event which is taking place in 2018 for the fifth time in Austria….


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2022.2)

On July 10, 2022, we published a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2022.1)

On April 10, 2022, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2021.4)

On December 30, 2021, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2021.3)

On October 8, 2021, we published a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2021.2)

On July 9, 2021, we published a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….