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speed up a database read query


How can you speed up database read queries

Before getting into the technicalities of speeding up your database read queries, the first step is always to have a clear understanding of what exactly you need. This might sound straightforward, but inefficient queries often begin with uncertainty about the data requirements. Knowing exactly what information is necessary for your application or analysis not only helps in crafting precise queries but also prevents the database from retrieving extraneous information, which can significantly slow down performance.

Data Observability


Data Observability

Too often when looking at the data we see just numbers – columns and rows that might seem meaningful on the surface but lack depth without proper context. Data observability changes this perspective. This approach is about understanding what the numbers really tell us about the health, accuracy, and vitality of our data systems.

Data observability isn’t just one thing – it’s an ability, or rather a way of monitoring your data’s health, accuracy, and overall usefulness. It’s what equips data teams with the essential tools they need in order to make sure that the data that’s driving business decisions is not only there but also high-quality, well-structured, and up-to-date. 

Database Activity Monitoring


How Busy Was the Database Today? – Database Activity Monitoring Done Right

Trying to gauge the workload of a database on any given day can pose quite a challenge. A straightforward question supported by basic Database Activity Monitoring might not yield an insightful answer if it’s stripped of context, cluttered with arbitrary numbers, and missing crucial details.

So, what’s the right way to address this query?

The Easy Way and the Hard Way to Optimize an Oracle Database


The Easy Way and the Hard Way to Optimize an Oracle Database

It may seem that the companies entangled in the web of Oracle and its ecosystem have a limited set of options when it comes to performance tuning. It’s either – pay for extra functionalities and navigate Oracle’s complex licensing, risking non-compliance penalties. This often leads to a conservative approach to optimization, stifling innovation due to the fear of overstepping licensing terms.

But do we always have to go the hard way? 

There’s a much simpler route that doesn’t involve trembling with fear of clicking the wrong thing. That’s what we will be talking about today. 


Performance Monitor (Release 2024.1)

In April 2024, we published another version of the Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SAP Hana…


DBPLUS is the Silver Sponsor of SQLBits

SQLBits is the largest SQL Server conference in Europe for data professionals. It provides the education, skills, and solutions from…


DBPLUS at SQLSaturday #679 in Vienna

SQLSaturday is an all-day conference and training event which is taking place in 2018 for the fifth time in Austria….


webtelligence to show DBPLUS portfolio at SQLdays conference October 10-11, 2017

ppedv AG invites to SQLdays 2017 in Erding, just to the east of Munich Airport. Numerous experienced speakers will present…


DBPLUS partner – webtelligence IT consulting GmbH as a speaker and exhibitor at the mbuf

It is one of the highlights within the German IT industry: the regularly held mbuf annual conference . Both members,…


DBPLUS CeBIT 2017 in Hanover

We maintained a presence during the entire trade fair, as well as at the stand operated by the Polish Agency…

Logical vs Physical Replication


The Replication Dichotomy: Logical vs Physical Replication

There’s a peculiar habit among some database professionals occasionally to toss logical and physical replication into the same bin. One might as well say socks and shoes are the same because, after all, they both go on your feet, right? But as anyone who’s tried wearing socks in the snow can attest, similarities on the surface can hide a whole universe of differences between logical vs physical replication.

Blurring together logical and physical replication, or neglecting their differences can lead to inefficient data management strategies. Each method has its merits and ideal scenarios of use. Knowing just when to apply each one—understanding their unique roles in the spectrum of data management—helps avoid unnecessary workload, optimizes performance, and ensures data integrity.

Execution plan changes in SQL server


Execution Plan Changes in SQL Server: Reasons and Solutions

Executions plan—complex maps charted by the SQL Server optimizer, dictate the most efficient route for data retrieval. However, the plans are not static. They morph and adapt, influenced by a host of factors ranging from data volume changes to system upgrades. Each of the execution plan changes in SQL Server has the potential to sway performance dramatically.

Understanding the reasons behind these shifts, and more importantly, how to effectively manage them translates to maintaining optimal performance in SQL Server environments.

The Domino Effect in the T10 Database on g1rush Server


The Domino Effect in the T10 Database on g1rush Server

Performance issues rarely occur in isolation. Often, a single problem can trigger a cascade of related issues, each compounding the overall impact on the system. This case study explores such a scenario in the T10 database on the g1rush server. 

Overcoming Execution Plan Changes


From Analysis to Action: Overcoming Execution Plan Changes

Execution plans choose the way in which SQL queries are executed by the database engine. As such, they are a difference between a smoothly running database and one that stumbles under load. Sometimes, an execution plan changes, for various reasons—often silently and without warning—and the far-reaching fallout can be huge.

The most immediate impact seen as the execution plan changes is a decline in query performance. A query that once ran smoothly in milliseconds might, due to an altered plan, start consuming seconds. This increase in query time can cascade into longer load times for applications, frustrated end-users, and severe financial repercussions in high-stakes environments such as financial trading platforms or real-time data services.

The Most Important Database Performance Metrics


The Most Important Database Performance Metrics

If no one sees the database issues, do they really happen?  – Contrary to the popular philosophical dilemma, this question can be answered quite easily – Absolutely yes. Unseen or unmonitored problems in database systems do occur and can indeed cause significant disruptions. It doesn’t matter if they’re not immediately apparent. Without monitoring of the database performance metrics and proactive management, these underlying issues can compound, leading to decreased performance, potential data loss, and even system failures that by their nature demand urgent and often extensive interventions to rectify.

The cost of ignoring database performance metrics is just too great.


webtelligence to show DBPLUS portfolio at SQLdays conference October 10-11, 2017

ppedv AG invites to SQLdays 2017 in Erding, just to the east of Munich Airport. Numerous experienced speakers will present…


DBPLUS Performance Monitor in German multi channel companies

Renowned German multichannel providers place their trust in DBPLUS Performance Monitor Multichannel sales are an integral part of almost every…


DBPLUS partner – webtelligence IT consulting GmbH as a speaker and exhibitor at the mbuf

It is one of the highlights within the German IT industry: the regularly held mbuf annual conference . Both members,…


DBPLUS CeBIT 2017 in Hanover

We maintained a presence during the entire trade fair, as well as at the stand operated by the Polish Agency…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2021.2)

On July 9, 2021, we published a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2021.1)

On April 9, 2021, we published a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2020.4)

On December 31, 2020, we published a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (release 2020.3)

On October 9, 2020, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….


New version Performance Monitor (release 2020.2)

On July 9, 2020, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL databases….