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The Toughest Performance Challenges of SQL Server


The Toughest Performance Challenges of SQL Server

SQL Server has a stellar reputation among the suits in the boardroom—lauded for its architecture and the ability to juggle massive datasets with the grace of someone who can juggle quite well. Yet, those who actually wrestle with the data, know a different story. They understand that SQL Server, like any towering giant, has its own set of quirks and foibles that can keep database professionals on their toes. Welcome to the performance challenges of SQL Server.

That's How Effective Query Monitoring Can Prevent Locks


That’s How Effective Query Monitoring Can Prevent Locks

In the complex ecosystem of SQL Server, performance issues can sometimes feel like detective work, especially when tracking down the elusive culprits behind system locks. This time, we’re exploring how ineffective queries (and poorly executed query monitoring) can grind operations to a halt, and how to identify the “how” and “why” behind the halt. 

From scrutinizing load trends to dissecting lock histories and refining execution plans, we’re making sure that no stone—or should we say, no data block—remains unturned in our quest to keep SQL Server zipping along like a sports car rather than trudging like a pack mule.

PostgreSQL vs SQL Server


Choosing the Database Champion: PostgreSQL vs SQL Server Showdown

On one side of the arena stands PostgreSQL, the open-source prodigy born from academic innovation. It’s teeming with versatility and daring to push relational databases into new realms. Across the divide, SQL Server emerges from the titan Microsoft. And it’s a real behemoth woven deeply into the fabric of corporate IT infrastructure, boasting seamless integration and formidable power. 

Are you rooting for the rebel with a cause or the knight in shining software?

Logical vs Physical Replication


The Replication Dichotomy: Logical vs Physical Replication

There’s a peculiar habit among some database professionals occasionally to toss logical and physical replication into the same bin. One might as well say socks and shoes are the same because, after all, they both go on your feet, right? But as anyone who’s tried wearing socks in the snow can attest, similarities on the surface can hide a whole universe of differences between logical vs physical replication.

Blurring together logical and physical replication, or neglecting their differences can lead to inefficient data management strategies. Each method has its merits and ideal scenarios of use. Knowing just when to apply each one—understanding their unique roles in the spectrum of data management—helps avoid unnecessary workload, optimizes performance, and ensures data integrity.

Distributed Databases


Breaking Down Distributed Databases: How Do They Work? When to Use Them?

Distributed databases—by storing data across a whole set of physical locations— allow organizations to manage data across multiple geographical locations with the semblance of a single unified system. What can companies gain with this choice?


DBPLUS CeBIT 2017 in Hanover

We maintained a presence during the entire trade fair, as well as at the stand operated by the Polish Agency…

Locks by Application Issues


The Story of Locks by Application Issues

On the 20th of April, query load times usually ranged from 12 to 15 seconds per snapshot, but there was a notable spike exceeding 2,000 seconds during certain periods. This anomaly suggested a deeper issue, prompting a detailed investigation. By examining the correlation between locks and application issues, executions, disk reads, and buffer writes, a significant overlap was found between increased query durations and intensified locking issues. Accessing the lock history tab provided detailed data on each lock event, including the time, duration, and specific database elements affected.

speed up a database read query


How can you speed up database read queries

Before getting into the technicalities of speeding up your database read queries, the first step is always to have a clear understanding of what exactly you need. This might sound straightforward, but inefficient queries often begin with uncertainty about the data requirements. Knowing exactly what information is necessary for your application or analysis not only helps in crafting precise queries but also prevents the database from retrieving extraneous information, which can significantly slow down performance.

Data Observability


Data Observability

Too often when looking at the data we see just numbers – columns and rows that might seem meaningful on the surface but lack depth without proper context. Data observability changes this perspective. This approach is about understanding what the numbers really tell us about the health, accuracy, and vitality of our data systems.

Data observability isn’t just one thing – it’s an ability, or rather a way of monitoring your data’s health, accuracy, and overall usefulness. It’s what equips data teams with the essential tools they need in order to make sure that the data that’s driving business decisions is not only there but also high-quality, well-structured, and up-to-date. 

Database Activity Monitoring


How Busy Was the Database Today? – Database Activity Monitoring Done Right

Trying to gauge the workload of a database on any given day can pose quite a challenge. A straightforward question supported by basic Database Activity Monitoring might not yield an insightful answer if it’s stripped of context, cluttered with arbitrary numbers, and missing crucial details.

So, what’s the right way to address this query?

The Easy Way and the Hard Way to Optimize an Oracle Database


The Easy Way and the Hard Way to Optimize an Oracle Database

It may seem that the companies entangled in the web of Oracle and its ecosystem have a limited set of options when it comes to performance tuning. It’s either – pay for extra functionalities and navigate Oracle’s complex licensing, risking non-compliance penalties. This often leads to a conservative approach to optimization, stifling innovation due to the fear of overstepping licensing terms.

But do we always have to go the hard way? 

There’s a much simpler route that doesn’t involve trembling with fear of clicking the wrong thing. That’s what we will be talking about today. 


Actinium Consulting GmbH and DBPLUS enter into partnership

Actinium Consulting GmbH specializes in business intelligence and ERP. The software developments by DBPLUS for database optimization and real-time data…


dbi services and DBPLUS enter into a partnership

Delémont, March 31, 2020 – dbi services has secured a partnership with DBPLUS, a software development company which specializes in…


Partner for Performance representing DBPLUS at the DOAG Conference and Exhibition 2019 in Nuremberg

Partner for Performance representing DBPLUS at the DOAG Conference and Exhibition 2019 in Nuremberg You wish to become more familiar…


DBPLUS on “IT Tage” in Frankfurt

“Everything under one roof!” is the motto of the IT-Days 2019 from December 9th to 12th in the Cape Europa,…


DBPLUS expands partner network

Another companies from the CEE region joined the group of DBPLUS partners. As a result, DBPLUS Clients gain access to…

Performance Monitor Changes in Version 2024.2—Part I: Online Monitor


Performance Monitor Changes in Version 2024.2—Part I: Online Monitor

Statistics can lie—” The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself” This old adage attributed to Sir Winston Churchill rings especially true if you’re dealing with daily database monitoring. When data is only captured in 15-minute intervals, transient issues that can severely impact performance might slip through the cracks, unnoticed and unaddressed until they’ve already caused significant problems.

In the newest release of the DBPLUS PERFORMANCE MONITOR, we’re extremely excited to show you the solution that the new functionality brings to the table.


Performance Monitor (Release 2024.1)

In April 2024, we published another version of the Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, and SAP Hana…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2023.4)

In December 2023, we released the next version of Performance Monitor application for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2023.2)

On July 5, 2023, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…


New version Performance Monitor (Release 2023.1)

On April 7, 2023, we released a new version of Performance Monitor for Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL and SAP…