Renowned German multichannel providers place their trust in DBPLUS Performance Monitor
Multichannel sales are an integral part of almost every industry. Nowadays, companies must exploit all sales channels in both the B2B and B2C segments to remain competitive over the long term and continue to be successful. This means that the IT requirements with regard to availability and performance are increasing markedly so as to provide special channels with current data at all times, also online channels. In the last few weeks, several renowned companies in the multichannel provider market have opted for the DBPLUS Performance Monitor to monitor the performance of essential Microsoft SQL servers.
Breuninger, the Erwin Müller Group and Peter Hahn use DBPLUS Performance Monitor
The fashion and lifestyle company E. Breuninger, the Erwin Müller Group – a solution provider for commercial catering and accommodation, and the fashion and textile company Peter Hahn may move in different market segments, however, they all face the challenge of having to offer powerful multichannel sales. Both online shops and stationary traders are affected by this and they can only meet this challenge effectively if they can count on the support of powerful, faultless IT infrastructure.
The IT in all three companies is based on Microsoft SQL databases. In order to permanently monitor their performance, immediately detect performance declines and systematically analyze and remedy errors, these companies have opted for DBPLUS Performance Monitor.
Powerful tool for database performance monitoring
The power of the DBPLUS Performance Monitor won over the multichannel companies. More than 15 years’ experience in performance monitoring and optimization have been incorporated into our solution, that is almost unparalleled in the way that it operates. Within the scope of permanent monitoring, performance declines to the level of individual SQL statements can be detected within a very short time. This degree of accuracy, in turn, allows extremely precise troubleshooting, which reduces the overall need for resources, SQL server licenses and hardware in the long term. Moreover, permanent performance stabilization is achieved, which is crucial in the multichannel segment.
DBPLUS Performance Monitor is sold exclusively by webtelligence IT consulting GmbH in the German-speaking region (Germany, Austria, and Switzerland).