Why Oracle changes the execution plan for a query


Why Oracle Changes the Execution Plan for a Query?

Understanding why Oracle changes the execution plan for a query can save you a lot of time and headaches. Statistics, data distribution (even without updated statistics), schema changes, and much more — There are numerous factors behind the changes of the execution plan. Having a grasp on all of them helps maintain efficient and stable query performance.

speed up a database read query


How can you speed up database read queries

Before getting into the technicalities of speeding up your database read queries, the first step is always to have a clear understanding of what exactly you need. This might sound straightforward, but inefficient queries often begin with uncertainty about the data requirements. Knowing exactly what information is necessary for your application or analysis not only helps in crafting precise queries but also prevents the database from retrieving extraneous information, which can significantly slow down performance.

Data Observability


Data Observability

Too often when looking at the data we see just numbers – columns and rows that might seem meaningful on the surface but lack depth without proper context. Data observability changes this perspective. This approach is about understanding what the numbers really tell us about the health, accuracy, and vitality of our data systems.

Data observability isn’t just one thing – it’s an ability, or rather a way of monitoring your data’s health, accuracy, and overall usefulness. It’s what equips data teams with the essential tools they need in order to make sure that the data that’s driving business decisions is not only there but also high-quality, well-structured, and up-to-date. 

The Easy Way and the Hard Way to Optimize an Oracle Database


The Easy Way and the Hard Way to Optimize an Oracle Database

It may seem that the companies entangled in the web of Oracle and its ecosystem have a limited set of options when it comes to performance tuning. It’s either – pay for extra functionalities and navigate Oracle’s complex licensing, risking non-compliance penalties. This often leads to a conservative approach to optimization, stifling innovation due to the fear of overstepping licensing terms.

But do we always have to go the hard way? 

There’s a much simpler route that doesn’t involve trembling with fear of clicking the wrong thing. That’s what we will be talking about today.